INTERNSHIP reflection

My Summer at Facebook Reality Labs

During the 2021 summer, I joined Facebook Reality Labs as a Conversation Design Intern. Under the privacy pillar, I designed a conversational feature end-to-end across two surfaces, one multimodal and one voice forward. Unfortunately, the work is under NDA, please contact me directly for more details.
FRL Conversation Design
Conversation Design Intern
12 Weeks
Facebook Reality Labs

Design, share, iterate.

Finding the right solution for my project meant learning skills and concepts along the way. While a lot of this was initially done with the support of my intern manager, I grew increasingly independent as I became more familiar with my project, peers, and most uniquely, the expectations of the remote work environment at Facebook. 

While my work is under NDA, I can say that I grew more confident in my design skills and built a keen sense of how to include stakeholders into my design process to facilitate cross-functional collaboration and iterate with data driven feedback. Below are some blurred examples of the information architecture and content modelling of the conversational feature I designed. As you can see, there was alternative options considered, feedback requests and a lot of iterating.


My internship certainly challenged me more than any other before, and I’m grateful. I was problem solving in a new space, picking pieces from my past experiences that were appropriate to apply and building upon my foundational conversation design skills. Moreover, there was a lot for me to learn about the organization itself before I could get fully focused on the work itself. Nevertheless, these challenges were catalysts in my growth and drove me to learn new skills, un-learn old ones that were not effective in this space and overall, push me out of my comfort zone for the better. 


Finally, throughout these 12 weeks, I am most grateful for all the wonderful people I've met. I was on a rockstar team and the amount of support, mentorship, kindness and laughter shared with me was beyond what I had anticipated from a remote environment. Although the summer was short, I've made friendships that will last beyond my internship at Facebook.